When I was a youngster, back in the dark ages, I was something of a tomboy. Tonka trucks were much more my style than Barbie dolls. As the epitome of all that was girlie and feminine, Barbie was just a nasty sore spot in my life. Through my childhood, many an afternoon was whiled away with Barbie buried up to her neck in the sand, my trucks happily running over her. Ah, the lovely screams that would emanate form my sister, those were the days.
My daughter received a few Barbie’s as gifts while growing up. To my great joy, she never seemed really embrace the dolls. They were just one of the many things sitting in the toy box gathering dust. I was spared from having to deal with pretty much everything Barbie.
Recently though, I’ve had a major re-think of my dislike for Barbie and everything in the Barbie world. Why this change of heart you ask, well, because of my recent introduction to Bratz dolls.
Wandering through the toy department of a Target store one day my daughter pointed to some dolls on the shelf. Her comment went something like this “Look mom, little hooker dolls”. I stopped, and looked. My god, they were indeed tiny plastic prostitutes sitting openly on the toy shelf being offered to innocent children.
One of my next experiences was with a co-worker. We had popped into Burger King to pick up lunch one afternoon. While waiting in line I noticed the toys offered in children’s meals. The boys got one of several collectable match box type cars. The girls received one of selection of a little prostitute/Bratz doll. Co-worker and I got into a discussion concerning what a horrible message such dolls were sending to our daughters. The boys received a cool little collectable car, the girls, a doll with sexy clothing, collagen filled lips, and so much make up that my mother would have referred to it with the phrase “the
Sadly, standing right next to us was a father with his two young children, a boy and a girl. He must have overheard our conversation because I noticed him take a close look at the doll his young daughter (about 5) was holding. A shocked look of realization came over his face, and we could almost hear his thoughts “Oh my god, the ex-wife is going to kill me!!!”.
Sadly, I come to find out that these dolls are very popular with young girls. The sad part isn’t that the girls are so interested, marketing is havily aimed at children. The sad part is that the parents are actually buying them! I’ve heard several parents exclaim “well, I know they are smutty, but the kids all like them, all her friends have them and she wanted one..”. Oh, come on now, if you know the dolls are bad, don’t come up with lame excuses to purchase them. As a parent, it is your job to set limits for your daughter. It is your job to say ‘no’ to the things you know will have a negative impact on her. (I danced for joy when I heard my sister in law had forbidden these things for her daughter)
While shopping for gifts this Christmas season my husband spotted one play set for Bratz dolls and commented “Look Honey, they make a street corner for them now”.
Barbie, I have horribly misjudged and mistreated you over the years, and I apologize. Though you may have had an exaggerated female figure, you always dressed at the height of tasteful fashion. You showed little girls that they could look glamorous while having a career and family too. You taught us that brains and beauty (astronaut Barbie, Doctor Barbie, executive Barbie) can easily mix. You taught us (through your long term relationship with Ken, your steady friends and Skipper) about commitment, friendship and family. And yes, I’ll freely admit it; I have gazed at awe at the famously stunning Bob Mackie designed collector Barbie’s, ah, the glamour of haute couture.
Barbie, you inspired several generations of little girls to grow up to be modern responsible women, not sluts, and for that I thank you. You showed us that we can indeed have it all; a good looking boyfriend, a career, the corvette, designer accessories and our own home. Yes Barbie, someday, it will be you, wrapped in pretty packages under my granddaughters Christmas tree.
Barbie, I salute you!!!!