from Ligarius Cauis
subject X-MasT-Cup Yorkie Puppy For Free Adoption
thanks for the mail,she is still available to every body We’ve been breeding exceptional puppies for health, temperament, conformation and quality for more than 8 years. We raise only yokies and can devote all of our time and knowledge to our puppies, ensuring you the best puppies available from Cameroon. All puppies are checked by a veterinarian before going to their new homes, and are current on all vaccinations and dewormed. We are professional breeders, not a pet store or a broker. That’s why all our puppies come with a veterinarian certificate of health, pedigree and a one-year health guarantee.this puppy is 14 weeks old and weighs ib1.4 s and will grow up to weigh 1.8 ibs,she called (Bruno).this puppy will be ship from Cameroon and that will take 6 to 7 hours flight,in that case $150 will be needed to do all her paper works concerning her you to promise us that this puppy is going to have a good home and will be as well taking care of,so she plays around with other pet,kids and also you that will be taking care of her.
thanks looking forward to read from you.