Ha, second time we've seen a scammer claim to be from Girvan Scotland. Kenyan IP address.
from milo lomi lilchazma2010@yahoo.com
subject Re: male and Female chihuahua for you
Is good to read from you.And am happy to know that you have an intention of giving my chihuahua puppies a good home.all they need is a home they can call their own.they are 11weeks of age and have very impressive health records.they also have a health guarantee of one year.all their health papers are with their health doctor i will include the documents in the files when they are coming to your home.As young as they are,they still remain the best little puppies around my locality .We are located in Girvan Scotland from where i will be sending the chihuahua given you take the step a head to take them home.All they need is a home they can call their own,because they are full of surprises.As you know they will cost you just 200£ including every thing else.here are their pictures.so please i f you need just one or two then take a close and lovely look at them to get the one which you will like to love and care for then you get back to me with the picture.thanks
My Regards
Ha, we've exchanged e-mails with this scammer before, same lame excuse about
'the vet has the paperwork' when I ask to see the dogs health records that they make such a big deal out of in their listing.
from milo lomi lilchazma2010@yahoo.com
subject Re: male and Female chihuahua for you
if you did read the my email very well you would have heard me mention about the fact that,all my puppies have their vet doctor and he is the person who keeps their health records and document until the when my contract with the document comes to and end.And that will happrn when they have found new homes ok.but where do you come from?
Their latest response (we wrote and pointed out that it was odd that the vet would have their puppies paperwork and they wouldn't)
i am not a breeder ok,i will get to him and collect one during the day ok,does that make you happy.what do you need them for?this puppies are raised by my family ok so i just continued from there ok i am not a breeder ok.and the reason why i am giving them out is because i will be traveling out and i won't be easy for me to move with them ok
i will get the document and get back to you during the day ok
Ohh, they musta found the blog....
from milo lomi lilchazma2010@yahoo.com
subject Re: male and Female chihuahua for you
why are you doing this to me?here is my number you call me and explain why you have posted my email address on the scam alert web page 07024071539.i am giving you less than 3 hours to get back to me or else you will have to report at the police
Cross your fingers, maybe we'll finally get one of those fake law enforcement or lawyer e-mails.